What Is the Best Time to Drink Pomegranate Juice?

What Is the Best Time to Drink Pomegranate Juice?

Pomegranate is a superfood that can bring you tremendous health benefits. But if you don’t know when is the best time to take fresh pomegranate juice, its effects could surprise you!

Pomegranates contain a lot of carbohydrates, which the body uses as an energy source. So the best time to drink pomegranate juice is in the morning if you want that energy boost to start your day.

And you should avoid drinking pomegranate juice at night as that energy could hurt the quality of your sleep.

But if you want to know how to get the most benefits from drinking pomegranate juice, there’s more to it than that. First, we need to understand what’s so good about pomegranate juice.

two glasses of pomegranate juice

7 Key Health Benefits of Pomegranate Juice

1. It Can Give You a Boost of Energy

More than 90% of the calories of pomegranate juice comes in the form of sugars.

When you drink pomegranate juice, your digestive tract doesn’t need much work to digest the liquid because the juice contains practically no pulp and no fiber.

Because of this, the sugar flows quite rapidly into your bloodstream, giving you a boost of energy.

2. It’s Packed With Antioxidants

Pomegranate juice is one of the beverages with the highest antioxidants consumed in the United States[1]. And we know that antioxidants are linked to the prevention of diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and certain cancers[2].

As such, drinking pomegranate juice regularly can boost your body in antioxidants that could help prevent some diseases in the long term.

3. It Can Help Protect Against Cardiovascular Diseases

According to research, drinking pomegranate juice could help lower blood pressure and prevent heart disease[3]. For example, researchers measured a decrease in systolic blood pressure in patients with hypertension who consumed 50 ml a day for two weeks.

4. It Helps Preserve the Skin

A recent study demonstrated that consuming pomegranate juice could increase skin resistance to erythema, a disease caused by exposure to UV rays[4].

It could also promote healthier skin by preserving a healthy skin microbiome.

5. It Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Because of the anti-inflammatory nature of the pomegranate fruit, its juice can have therapeutic effects on some inflammatory diseases.

A recent scientific article suggests a strong link between the beneficial effects of pomegranate with the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and chronic inflammatory diseases[5].

It’s one of the most vital points of pomegranate, which results in many other benefits of the fruit.

6. It Can Help Improve Digestion

In many cases, pomegranate juice can help improve digestion because of its anti-inflammatory nature. It can help reduce inflammation in the digestive tract and ensure good digestion.

7. Research Suggests It Could Help Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

There is a lot of research being done on pomegranate. And one of the more interesting ones on mice links the high content of polyphenols (a type of antioxidant) in pomegranate juice to a potential effect on Alzheimer’s disease[6].

And while more studies are needed to reach a definite conclusion, many people believe regularly consuming pomegranate juice could help prevent Alzheimer’s.

8. It Could Also Help Prevent Cancer

The pomegranate has been used in ancient cultures for centuries to prevent a multitude of diseases. And modern-day researchers are studying why.

Studies show whole pomegranates, their juices, and extracts have potential as chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic agents[7]. The super fruit could play a role in treating cancer cells from skin, breasts, prostate, lung, and colon cancers.

9. It Could Help Improve Male Fertility

In a study on mice, a group of Persian researchers gave pomegranate juice to the animals to determine its effect on their sperm count[8]. After one month, they found that the mice who had received pomegranate juice had a significantly higher sperm count than the control group.

They conclude that, while more research is needed, infertile men could try consuming pomegranate juice regularly to improve the quality of their sperm parameters.

cut pomegranate on a grey background

Downsides of Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate earns a few downsides when you juice it despite being a superfood. That’s because the pomegranate’s rind and peel contain many nutrients that are simply lost as the pulp is extracted from the juice.

So if you want to get the maximum benefits out of the pomegranate, you should eat the fruit instead of juicing it. Here’s why pomegranate juice is not as good as eating the whole fruit:

1. It Contains a Lot of Sugar

Sure, it’s “good” natural sugar. But with 90% of its calories coming from carbohydrates, the sugar contained in pomegranate is still a lot of sugar. And such carbohydrates get metabolized very quickly by the body.

This problem is exacerbated when you take pomegranate in the form of juice. That’s because when you eat the whole fruit, there are a lot of fibers and solid flesh that your body needs to digest. And that releases sugar more slowly in your body.

But when you drink fruit juice, the sugar goes almost straight into your bloodstream, causing a spike in blood sugar, leading to issues with some people.

Also, make sure to buy unsweetened pomegranate juice if you don’t make fresh pomegranate juice yourself. And if you want to make pomegranate juice at home, we’ve picked the best pomegranate juicer for you.

2. It Doesn’t Have Much Vitamin C

The pomegranate fruit has a lot of vitamin C - more than 40% of the daily recommended value. Unfortunately, this vitamin is primarily contained in the rind and the fruit’s pulp.

When you juice pomegranate, the pulp is discarded to keep only the liquid. As a result, many nutrients are discarded, including most vitamin C.

So contrary to popular belief, pomegranate juice is not a good source of vitamin C.

3. A Lot of the Nutritional Content of Pomegranate Is Discarded

In addition to vitamin C, the pomegranate fruit loses a lot of other nutrients when you juice it. The peel and the pomegranate seeds contain even more antioxidants than the juice!

The rind also has anti-microbial properties lost when you juice the pomegranate fruit.

pomegranate seeds in heart-shaped hands

The Best Time to Drink Pomegranate Juice Is in the Morning

If you are looking for a boost of energy when you wake up, the best time to drink pomegranate juice is in the morning. Because of its high carbohydrate content, drinking pomegranate juice will quickly provide you with the energy you need to start the day.

Your digestion system is fired up and ready to go in the morning. And since pomegranate juice has anti-inflammatory properties, drinking pomegranate juice daily, even on an empty stomach, may help control an inflammatory disease like IBS throughout the day.

In addition, pomegranate juice contains even more potent antioxidants than green tea. It’s also packed with other nutrients that will help you throughout the day.

But in any case, despite all the pomegranate juice benefits, you should avoid drinking too much pomegranate juice. That’s because it can have an adverse effect on your blood sugar. And having a blood sugar spike can later lead to a crash and a loss of energy and concentration.

You can use a masticating juicer, a citrus juicer or a centrifugal juicer to make your glass of juice. We recommend masticating juicers for the best taste and quality - have a look at our best Omega juicers to find the perfect one.

Why You Should Probably Avoid Drinking Pomegranate Juice at Night

Pomegranate juice is an excellent drink packed with nutrients. But despite all the nutritional value and its many health benefits, the best time to drink pomegranate juice is certainly not at night.

It Could Give You an Energy Boost When You Don’t Need It

We’ve already covered why pomegranate juice is such a great energy booster. And think about it: after a long day of work and a relaxing evening, you’re set for a restful night of sleep. The last thing you probably want is a boost of energy that could prevent you from falling asleep.

Because of that, it’s probably best to drink your pomegranate juice earlier in the day. But, while we recommend it in the morning, it’s also perfect for an afternoon energy boost.

It Could Hinder the Production of Melatonin, the Sleep Hormone

Furthermore, researchers have demonstrated that drinking pomegranate juice can hurt the level of melatonin in the body[9].

Melatonin, also called the sleep hormone, is essential for falling asleep. It’s produced naturally in your body at night when dictated by your body’s sleep-wake cycle.

So drinking pomegranate juice late at night could hinder melatonin production and prevent you from falling asleep or having a restful night.

It Could Set You Off-Track in Your Weight Loss Goals

As we already mentioned, pomegranate juice contains a lot of sugar. And consuming a large quantity of food later in the day and into the night is associated with higher body weight and less weight loss[10].

As such, we’d recommend avoiding drinking fruit juices and other high calorific foods at night. That will also help your digestive system throughout the night.

In short, try to avoid drinking a glass of pomegranate juice at night to prevent any issue with your sleep.

female runner in a trail

The Benefits of Drinking Pomegranate Juice Before and After a Workout

When you exercise, your body burns a lot of calories. It draws from its glucose reserves to give you the energy you need to perform your workout.

Pomegranate juice is mainly made of simple carbohydrates, which your body can transform quickly into glucose. Therefore, if you drink pomegranate juice 30 to 60 minutes before a workout, you could have more energy and a more effective workout.

And after an intense session, your glucose levels are depleted. So a glass of pomegranate juice helps your body recover faster and could have a better effect than most other fruit juices because of its immune-boosting nutrients.

Bottom Line

The best time to drink pomegranate juice is early in the morning if you want to reap all the benefits. It’s packed with more antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties than most fruit juices, and it can give you the energy you need to start your day.

But don’t drink a glass of pomegranate juice at night to avoid any issues with falling asleep. Since pomegranate juice can affect your melatonin levels, it could prevent you from getting a good night of sleep.

As to how much pomegranate juice you should drink? Despite its nutritional benefits, pomegranate juice contains a lot of sugar. If you drink too much, it could lead to your blood sugar spiking and make you gain weight. So a simple glass of juice in the morning is what we recommend!


Can you make pomegranate juice at home?

You can easily make pomegranate juice at home with a juicer. You can either use a citrus juicer to process the whole fruit, which needs less food prep, or a masticating juicer to extract the juice from the arils around the pomegranate seeds. The latter will produce a better result but require you to prepare your fruit for juicing.

Can you drink pomegranate juice after eating?

You can undoubtedly drink fresh juices after eating. But be careful about your overall calorific intake if you are concerned about weight gain. That’s because pomegranate juice contains a lot of simple carbohydrates, which your body digests very quickly and can make your blood sugar spike.

Can you drink pomegranate juice on an empty stomach?

You can drink pomegranate juice on an empty stomach. But because pomegranate juice contains many simple carbohydrates that are digested quickly by the body, it could lead to a spike in blood sugar that is more pronounced if you drink it on an empty stomach. You can also eat pomegranate instead - simply add pomegranate to a salad for a perfect post-workout meal.

Can I drink pomegranate juice at night?

Ideally, you want to avoid drinking pomegranate juice at night. That’s because research has shown that it can affect the level of melatonin in your body, making it more difficult to fall asleep and have a restful night of sleep. Furthermore, consuming calories at night could make you prone to weight gain. So we’d recommend you have a glass of pomegranate juice in the morning instead.

What is the best time to take pomegranate?

The best time to drink pomegranate juice is in the morning. Being a super fruit, it can give you the energy you need to start your day on the right foot. In addition, a glass of juice in the morning can give you a lot of antioxidants and other immune-boosting nutrients.


[1] Seeram, Navindra P., et al. “Comparison of antioxidant potency of commonly consumed polyphenol-rich beverages in the United States.” Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 56.4 (2008): 1415-1422. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jf073035s

[2] https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/antioxidants

[3] Aviram, Michael, and Leslie Dornfeld. “Pomegranate juice consumption inhibits serum angiotensin converting enzyme activity and reduces systolic blood pressure.” Atherosclerosis 158.1 (2001): 195-198. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0021915001004129

[4] Henning, Susanne M., et al. “Pomegranate juice and extract consumption increases the resistance to UVB-induced erythema and changes the skin microbiome in healthy women: a randomized controlled trial.” Scientific reports 9.1 (2019): 1-11. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-50926-2

[5] Danesi, Francesca, and Lynnette R. Ferguson. “Could pomegranate juice help in the control of inflammatory diseases?.” Nutrients 9.9 (2017): 958. https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/9/9/958

[6] Hartman, Richard E., et al. “Pomegranate juice decreases amyloid load and improves behavior in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease.” Neurobiology of disease 24.3 (2006): 506-515. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0969996106002038

[7] Sharma, P.; McClees, S.F.; Afaq, F. Pomegranate for Prevention and Treatment of Cancer: An Update. Molecules 2017, 22, 177. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules22010177

[8] Aminirad, O., M. A. Khalili, and H. R. SoltaniGordFaramarzi. “Influence of pomegranate juice on sperm parameters and fertility in mice.” Hormozgan Medical Journal 13.3 (2009): 182-188. http://eprints.hums.ac.ir/589/

[9] Banihani, Saleem A., et al. “Effect of fresh pomegranate juice on the level of melatonin, insulin, and fasting serum glucose in healthy individuals and people with impaired fasting glucose.” Food Science & Nutrition 8.1 (2020): 567-574. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/fsn3.1344

[10] Gallant, A., Lundgren, J. & Drapeau, V. Nutritional Aspects of Late Eating and Night Eating. Curr Obes Rep **3, **101–107 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13679-013-0081-8

Phil Cooper
Phil Cooper

Phil is the founder and editor in chief of The Kitchenizer. He writes articles to help busy people spend less time in the kitchen, save money on gadgets, and impress guests with kitchen hacks. He’s also a hopeless computer geek!